"Over 35 Years of Providing Real CAD/CAM
Solutions to the Manufacturing Industry."
Press Release
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Silicon Valley, CA - August, 2008
SolutionWare Corporation
PowerCAM Programs Live Tooling Machines with SolidWorks Engine
SolutionWare Corporation, the developer of CNC programming solutions announces PowerCAM for Lathe Live-Tooling/Mill-Turn. One of the most promising solutions for programming live-tooling CNCs, PowerCAM for Live-Tooling is a programming assistant that works within SolidWorks and uses solids to generate CNC programs. PowerCAM works with feature-based solids as well as imported files such as solid IGES or solid STEP.
Within SolidWorks, partnering with SolutionWare, you may load your CAD file and select features or geometry to make your programs. PowerCAM works directly with SolutionWare’s CAM products, GeoPath and MazaCAM, to automatically generate CNC code in the various formats needed for virtually all CNC machines, including G-code and Mazak’s Mazatrol.
A key issue when doing small quantity prototype work is often the programming and set-up time far exceeds the time required to machine the actual parts. This programming assistant can take a solid in SolidWorks and in a few clicks assign tools, cuts, feeds and speeds to program parts automatically and thus radically reduce the programming time.
This is a revolutionary new way of programming. The main advantage is the assistance that PowerCAM provides by selecting the type of cuts needed to make parts for the increasingly popular live-tooling CNCs, automatically determining the tool tilt B-axis angle, and orientation for each cut. This dramatically simplifies the most difficult steps involved in programming live-tooling machines.
For 33 years SolutionWare Corporation has been continuously advancing software and training that gives CNC shops the flexibility to utilize all their CNC equipment for the greater productivity of their shop.
To read more about PowerCAM click on this link to our website.
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Silicon Valley, CA - April, 2006
SolutionWare Corporation
SolutionWare partners up with SolidWorks to create PowerCAM for Mazaks and G-code machines
SolutionWare Corporation, with over 30 years in CAD/CAM and CNC programming solutions has launched the latest in CNC programming by merging SolidWorks with direct Mazatrol and G-code output.
Silicon Valley, CA April 1, 2006 SolutionWare Corporation, developers of MazaCAM and GeoPath has launched PowerCAM for SoidWorks, a state-of-art seamless direct Mazatrol and/or G-code output from within the SolidWorks interface. This allows the users of SolidWorks to create their manufacturing parts and output CNC code often within a few minutes.
PowerCAM combines the power of a Mazatrol off-line programming system, a CAD/CAM system, and Engineering software into one system with the power of three. The MazaCAM Editor is a full off-line Mazatrol programming system; GeoPath is a full CAD/CAM that can output G-code, and integrate with the MazaCAM to output Mazatrol. PowerCAM links SolidWorks, MazaCAM and GeoPath into an even more powerful programming system taking advantage of the feature information present in the SolidWorks model, instead of the CNC programmer having to re-create it all in the CNC programming system.
You can now take a native SolidWorks file, assign tooling, and output Mazatrol directly, or see the tool motion, calculate runtime, generate tool sheet, output G-code for any CNC, and much, much more
In the past there was no way for only one CAD/CAM system to program all the CNCs especially with the different types of G-code and Mazatrol controls.
PowerCAM for SolidWorks is the ideal and complete CAD/CAM system for the shop, all its users and all its machines. With one programming system the training, programming and production of a manufacturing shop are better managed.
SolutionWare products are also available in modules to suit your shop's needs. Modules also include mill, lathe, live-tooling, 3D, auto-programming, EDM and MazaCAM (Mazatrol output module).
Call 408.249.1529, or email info@solution-ware.com for more information.
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